Outreach » Assessment & Evaluation

Assessment & Evaluation


Based in the Instruction department, school-based psychological assessment services are available to all TSD students. The school psychologist is certified through the Tennessee State Department of Education. This person works collaboratively with parents, teachers, and specialists to provide comprehensive assessments and recommendations as part of the Individualized Education Program (IEP) team, as well as the Admissions Team.  


The TSD school psychologist possesses specialized training and expertise in conducting comprehensive school-based psychological assessments with deaf and hard of hearing students of all ages to address a variety of developmental and learning needs. Areas that may be assessed by the school psychologist include:


  • Intellectual / cognitive functioning
  • Academic performance
  • Emotional / social / behavioral development
  • Functional / adaptive performance (daily living skills)


Additionally, the school psychologist oversees the delivery of school-based counseling, mental health, and behavioral support services, as well as provides consultation and training to school staff and families on a range of issues including child development, learning issues, and behavior management.